
nontraditional Coriolis termに関連する論文一覧

nontraditional Coriolis termに関連する論文タイトルおよび著者を書き留めておく.


  • 熱帯での重要性
  • 「近」慣性重力波の存在
  • 対称不安定性の違い
  • 「一般化」される方程式系


White and Bromley 1995: Dynamically consistent, quasi-hydrostatic equations for global models with a complete representation of the Coriolis force.
↑"quasi-hydrostatic" equationsを導き,その保存性を証明した論文.スケール解析などにより,熱帯におけるnontraditional Coriolis termの重要性についても議論.

White et al. 2005: Consistent approximate models of the global atmosphere: shallow, deep, hydrostatic, quasi-hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic.

●慣性重力波など,Normal modeについて議論した論文.
Thuburn et al. 2002: Normal modes of deep atmospheres. I: Spherical geometry.

Thuburn et al. 2002: Normal modes of deep atmospheres. II: f –F-plane geometry.

Kasahara 2003: On the nonhydrostatic atmospheric models with inclusion of the horizontal component of the earth’s angular velocity.

Kasahara 2003: The roles of the horizontal component of the earth’s angular velocity in nonhydrostatic linear models.

Kasahara and Gray 2006: Normal modes of an incompressible and stratified fluid model including the vertical and horizontal components of coriolis force.

Kasahara and Gray 2010: Studies of inertio-gravity waves on midlatitude beta-plane without the traditional approximation.

Kasahara 2010: A mechanism of deep-ocean mixing due to near-inertial waves generated by flow over bottom topography.

Grimshaw 1975: A note on the beta-plane approximation.
↑"The importance of the horizontal component of the Coriolis parameter is illustrated for internal gravity waves near a critical level."とアブストラクトあるように,古くからnontraditional Coriolis termの重要性を示唆している.

Dellar and Salmon 2005: Shallow water equations with a complete Coriolis force and topography.
↑「一般的な」浅水方程式系を導いている.それらから現実的な大気のFree modeにはnontraditional Coriolis termがそれほど影響しないことを示唆していると思う.

Dellar 2011: Variations on a beta-plane: derivation of non-traditional beta-plane equations from Hamilton’s principle on a sphere.

Tort and Dubos 2014: Towards an energy-conserving quasi-hydrostatic deep-atmosphere dynamical core.

Stevens 1983: On symmetric stability and instability of zonal mean flows near the equator.

Sun 1994: Unsymmetrical symmetric instability.

Fruman and Shepherd 2008: Symmetric stability of compressible zonal flows on a generalized equatorial beta-plane.

Fruman 2009: NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE: Equatorially bounded zonally propagating linear waves on a generalized beta-plane.

Itano and Maruyama 2009: NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE: Symmetric stability of zonal flow under full-component Coriolis force —Effect of the horizontal component of the planetary vorticity—.

Gerkema et al. 2008: Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics beyond the traditional approximation.

Stewart and Dellar 2010: The role of the complete Coriolis force in cross-equatorial flow of abyssal ocean currents.

Stewart and Dellar 2010: Multilayer shallow water equations with complete Coriolis force. Part I: Derivation on a non-traditional beta-plane.

Stewart and Dellar 2011: Cross-equatorial flow through an abyssal channel under the complete Coriolis force: 3 Two-dimensional solutions.



Hayashi, Michiya, Hisanori Itoh, 2012: The Importance of the Nontraditional Coriolis Terms in Large-Scale Motions in the Tropics Forced by Prescribed Cumulus Heating. J. Atmos. Sci., 69, 2699–2716.

Publishされました(^^)熱帯熱源応答へnontraditional Coriolis項が無視できない大きさで影響するということをスケール解析と数値計算の両面から示しました.


実際に文献を読むと分かるが,nontraditional Coriolis termを含めると議論が難解になり,従来の方法では議論を展開できなくなる場合が多い.そこに気象学の発展の余地は大いにあると考えている.

17 件のコメント:

  1. Hua et al. 1997: Inertial nonlinear equilibration of equatorial flows

  2. Stastna et al., 2009: On fully nonlinear, vertically trapped wave packets in a stratified fluid on the f-plane.

    海洋での慣性重力波の話だと思う.Discussionの最後にnontraditional effectsと小節が立ててあり,浮力振動数分布に影響を与えるというように書いてあるみたいです.詳しくは読んでませんので,違っていたらすみません.

  3. Stewart and Dellar, 2011: Multilayer shallow water equations with complete Coriolis force. Part 2. Linear plane waves.

    Long linear plane wavesの構造に,鉛直運動量方程式におけるnontraditional Coriolis termが強く影響するという海関係の話.振動数に影響して,それを含めるときには近慣性モードが存在できる.どこかで聞いたような話だが,他と違う議論がなされているんだろうか?

  4. Rousseau and McWilliams 2011: On the quasi-hydrostatic quasi-geostrophic model.

    Rossby数がゼロに近い,大規模な海洋での話.鉛直方向の偏微分を「変換」してNontraditional Coriolis項の影響を含ませるというところが面白そう.ただ,「INRIA」ってフランスの雑誌?あまりみたことない.

    Fruman, Hua and Schopp 2009: Equatorial zonal jet formation through the barotropic instability of low-frequency mixed Rossby-gravity waves, equilibration by inertial instability, and transition to superrotation.


  5. Roundy and Janiga 2011: Analysis of vertically propagating convectively coupled equatorial waves using observations and a non-hydrostatic Boussinesq model on the equatorial beta-plane.

    これはすぐにでも読まなければ.前からRoundyさんのことは気にかけていましたが,ついに出ました.Nontraditional Coriolis項の影響で「微かな傾いた構造」や「位相のずれ」が現れるという感じでAbstractに書いてありました.

  6. Muller 1989: A note on the relation between the "traditional approximation" and the metric of the primitive equations.

    タイトルの通り,Traditional Approximationに関することが書かれている.Nontraditional Coriolis項についての理解を深める前に,この近似について理解しなくてはならないので,念のため紹介.私自身も読み直さなければ.

  7. Itano and Kasahara 2011: Effect of Top and Bottom Boundary Conditions on Symmetric Instability under Full-Component Coriolis Force.

    上下の境界条件が対称不安定性に与える影響をNontraditioanl Coriolis Termsを含めて考えたという論文.興味深い.

  8. Staniforth 2012: Exact stationary axisymmetric solutions of the Euler equations on β–γ planes.

    Dellar 2011が導いたβ-γ面の考察を進めた論文.Exactな解が求められており,応用性は広いだろう.加えて可視的な例も掲載されている.難しい内容だが読まなきゃいけなそう.UKMOは1995年頃からNontraditional Coriolis項に注目した研究が盛んになされている.日本でもNCTを数値モデルに取り入れようという動きにならないものかなぁ.自分がそのために動かなきゃいけないな,と思う2012年4月6日.

  9. Staniforth and Wood 2012: Notes and Correspondence Exact axisymmetric solutions of the deep- and shallow-atmosphere Euler equations in curvilinear and plane geometries. QJRMS


  10. Hayashi and Itoh (2012)が引用されてました.

    \教科書:「地球型惑星の比較気候学.9章 地球大循環モデル」
    Dowling T. E. (2013) Earth general circulation models. In Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets (S. J. Mackwell et al., eds.), pp. 193–211.
    Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, DOI: 10.2458/azu_uapress_9780816530595-ch009.
    その著者:Timothy E. Dowling

    "— and so the modern trend is to retain all the vertical terms, most significantly the nonhydrostatic vertical accelerations [which expose a GCM to numerical instabilities
    associated with sound waves, and therefore must be treated judiciously (see www.ecmwf.int/publications/library/do/references/list/201010)], but also the “nontraditional” Coriolis terms that couple to vertical velocity (e.g., Hayashi and Itoh, 2012)."

  11. 引用して頂きました!

    Tort et al. 2014: Consistent shallow-water equations on the rotating sphere with complete Coriolis force and topography
    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.172
    Published online: 08 May 2014

  12. 引用して頂きました!

    Wakata 2013: Some properties of tidal currents estimated from analytical and LES simulation studies. Journal of Oceanography, Volume 69, Issue 6, pp 737-751
    DOI 10.1007/s10872-013-0204-6

  13. 引用して頂きました!

    Tort and Dubos 2013: Dynamically consistent shallow-atmosphere equations with a complete Coriolis force, QJRMS,
    DOI: 10.1002/qj.2274

  14. Lucas et al. 2016: Large scale ocean models beyond the traditional approximation.

  15. 引用して頂きました!

    Marine Tort, Thomas Dubos, François Bouchut, Vladimir Zeitlin. (2014) Consistent shallow-water equations on the rotating sphere with complete Coriolis force and topography. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 748, 789-821.

  16. Yin et al. 2018: Structure of equatorial envelope Rossby solitary waves with complete Coriolis force and the external source
    "It is pointed out that with decreasing of Coriolis parameter λ (the horizontal component of Coriolis force), the amplitude of Rossby solitary waves decreases, whereas the propagating frequency is unchanged."

  17. Ray Chew, Mark Schlutow, Rupert Klein
    An unstable mode of the stratified atmosphere under the non-traditional Coriolis acceleration
